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Wires Down
Wires Down
Wires Down
Tweet   seeing as I’m on a roll I'll slip in this vid that Derek has just popped over the back wall, had to convert it from a vhs tape (don't ask) but it seems ok now ...  How many engineers does it take to couple up two dis-similar locomotives? what we have is here is a failed flagship Eurostar being assisted to move for it's on a busy main line. A Class 67 3,200 HP (nickname 'skips') has bee More..n called upon to do the necessary removal work. It's important that Network Rail takes this very seriously and perfects this operation for during the December 2009 European snowfall four Eurostar trains broke down inside the Channel Tunnel after leaving France. Although the trains had been winterised the systems had not coped well with the conditions. Over 2,000 passengers were stuck inside failed trains inside the tunnel for many hours and over 75,000 had their services disrupted. All Eurostar services (people going home for Christmas) were cancelled from Saturday 19 December to Monday 21 December 2009. An independent review published on 12 February 2010 was critical of the contingency plans in place for assisting passengers stranded by the delays calling them 'insufficient' as a result engineers have tried to perfect a better technique of assisting failed trains.
Channel: LiveLeak
Category: Educational
Video Length: 0
Date Found: February 26, 2011
Date Produced: February 26, 2011
View Count: 0 Special Offers
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