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Axis Art Map: Cardiff - Richard Higlett
Axis Art Map: Cardiff - Richard Higlett
Axis Art Map: Cardiff - Richard Higlett
Axis Art Map: Cardiff incorporates a google map, information about the major contemporary art venues, guidance about public transport and an overview of the city’s main artists’ groups.  An introduction by writer and curator Emma Geliot gives those who don’t already know Cardiff a general picture of its geography, history, art venues and visitor amenities. Film interviews with nine Cardiff-based artists set this map apart from others of a similar kind. It’s not just about the place, but also about the influence of artists and their practice on the city’s visual arts ‘offer’. Sheila McGregor, Axis Chief Executive, says: “We like the idea of the one-stop-online-shop that not only tells you where to go, but also allows you to ‘meet’ significant artists. And of course one of the great things about the web is that you can promote the local and regional to a national and, indeed, international audience. That’s what we hope this will do for Cardiff.” This is a pilot project, funded by the Arts Council of Wales. Axis hopes to extend the idea to other UK cities and regions. We are grateful to the many artists and organisations that have contributed to the Cardiff Art Map; and to Pippa Shaw and Richard Cook for help with research and filming.
Channel: Vimeo
Category: Arts & Literature
Video Length: 245
Date Found: March 30, 2011
Date Produced: November 25, 2010
View Count: 0 Special Offers
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