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Ginza’s Lucky Cat
Ginza’s Lucky Cat
Ginza’s Lucky Cat
iReport — 3 months on from Japans 3/11 disaster and everything seems to be back to normal in Tokyo.  Out in Ginza today and I saw a strange sight that grabbed everybody’s attention.  Sleeping in the middle of Tokyos most sophisticated shopping distinct, Ginza, a lazy cat perched atop one of the many Ginza street signs!  Having walked the streets of Ginza innumerable times I had never come across this famous cat before.  However, maybe similar to a living feline version of Shibuya’s Hachiko dog, the star of a recent movie starring none other than Richard Gere, this cat apparently lazes in Ginza a lot!  Yet, for most people unfamiliar with the cat’s fame, images of Japans popular “Maneki neko,” which translates as “Lucky Cat” or “Beckoning Cat” may well have sprung to mind, as everybody crowded around to get the cats photo.  For sure the cat seemed like a lucky omen from nature contrasting Tokyo’s concrete jungle, that finally, even with Japans economy falling back into recession, such a small thing might be a tiny symbol of luck for the months to come!
Channel: iReport
Category: News
Video Length: 0
Date Found: June 11, 2011
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View Count: 0 Special Offers
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