Adventures With Purple Melon
On Friday, July 2nd, I went over to what I now called "The Purple Melon House" to interview a Brit-Rock group called Purple Melon.  They have a very distinct style of both music and clothing... kind of felt like hanging out with Queen or The Beatles, maybe rolled into one? Asides from having a really fun, upbeat, rocker-style, these guys are HILARIOUS. You honestly don’t have to do anything when you hang out with them, just put them together and watch them go... In this video, Erik, who is the youngest, tried to set up a prank, but I'm interviewing the rest of the gang as he's trying and I don't realize what he's actually up to until he fails miserably and is caught on tape..
Video Length: 20
Date Found: September 10, 2010
Date Produced:
View Count: 0