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THE APPLE’S Tiny Little Secret Shhhhhh
THE APPLE’S Tiny Little Secret Shhhhhh
THE APPLE’S Tiny Little Secret Shhhhhh
SECRET LINK ##### the song on this video is the 'Mylo Remix' from the original song 'Lift Me UP' by Moby ##### As I have stated in the video the easiest & least inexpensive way to get your iTouch is throught this website If you have not watched the video yet, go back and watch it, because I have outlined the steps that you must take to get your FREE iTOUCH.  If you have seen the video feel free to pause on and reread any portions of the video just incase you don’t miss anything. Anyways, I hope that this helps many of you, and please rate and comment even if you did not like the video. That is the only way that I can improve myself. bellow I have writen how many referrals it takes to order what type of iPod: 5 ref = 8GB iTouch 6 ref = 16GB iTouch 7 ref = $250 Apple Card (or Paypal) 8 ref = 32GB iTouch (JACKPOT) ================================= SIGN UP TODAY because I'm not sure how long I'll have this video up ================================= might also be looking for: MacWorld and Atheists free video ipod touch apple itouch macworld and atheists dolphins airport
Channel: metacafe
Category: Technology
Video Length: 243
Date Found: March 15, 2011
Date Produced: January 08, 2009
View Count: 0 Special Offers
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