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Osnabrueck Germany
Osnabrueck Germany
Osnabrueck Germany
Osnabrueck is a city in Lower Saxony. Osnabrueck is a typical mid-sized German town. It is home to around 160,000 people and a recent survey proved them to be the most content citizens in Germany. Osnabrueck has seen its share of history and war. It was the ultimate city where the 30 Years War ended and over 2/3 of the city was then destroyed in World War II. The city is most easily navigated by city/regional bus. The Stadwerke Osnabruck operates standard daytime as well as NachtBus (night) service on Friday and Saturday. The have an online trip planner as well as digital signs as bus stops to inform you of the current predicted wait time. Fare information is posted inside all shelter and most bus operators speak some English. Tickets are bought from the bus operator of from vending machines on the Neumarkt. Bus operators are obliged to give change if you over-pay in cash. Some Osnabrueckers choose to ride a bicycle to move themselves through the city. While utilizing the red-colored cycling lanes in Osnabr?ck one should exert much caution. These lanes are often narrow, at street level, and/or shared with the city buses and taxis. This leads to a least one bicyclist death a year in Osnabr?ck. Please do use your best judegment and walk your bike on the sidewalk if you feel uncomfortable. Aditionally there are many places where bicycles (and all cars) are forbidden in the city center. If you are riding on a street where there are no cars, be sure to double check that bicycles are not forbidden, because the police will stop you. The Osnabruecker Rathaus (city hall) played a key role in the end of the 30 years war. In celebration with the authorities in nearby M?nster, a peace treaty was signed. The Felix Nusbaum Museum is an art gallery dedicated to the Osnabrueck native, Felix Nussbaum, a Jewish painter who was executed at Auschwitz during the World War 2. Heger Tor and the neighbor old city are remnants of an earlier manifestation of Osnabrueck. Two-thirds of the...
Category: Travel
Video Length: 216
Date Found: February 26, 2010
Date Produced: February 26, 2010
View Count: 0 Special Offers
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