The Acorn - "Restoration"
This gorgeously realized stop motion video comes to you courtesy of Canadian outfit Acorn.  It was directed by Bill Ayers, and of course a lot of people are asking where all the funding for it came from. OK. None of this is true of course...just a bit of Friday fun. Ha! Politics! Perhaps we should just let the PR people take it from here, as I’m apparently not capable of it at the moment. "The video, directed by Exploding Motor Car, features the band having a picnic at The Mataseje Family Farm in Beamsville Ontario, an hour outside of Toronto. As the sun sets, things take a turn for the eerie as the band is dragged into a surreal forest filled with otherworldly creatures. Front man Rolf Klausener described the tedious stop motion shoot as spending "20 hours, mostly sitting on a picnic table that was jerry-rigged to a rail cart, moving in 2 inch increments. The crew was tireless and totally focused. The cyanide-based smoke machine they used took about 6 years off our lives. By 7am, everyone was delirious, seeing apparitions in the foliage, and speaking in tongues.""
Video Length: 0
Date Found: January 25, 2011
Date Produced: September 03, 2010
View Count: 0