Emergency Preparedness: Ready NYC - Consequences
According to a 2009 NYC Office of Emergency Management survey, 41% of New Yorkers said they did not feel prepared for an emergency, such as a natural disaster, fire, power outage or act of terrorism. Additionally, 40% said they did not have any form of a household emergency plan, and 68% did not have all of the recommended emergency supplies. Events such as the tragedy of 9/11, Hurricane Katrina, and other natural disasters that have occurred highlight the need for a nationwide initiative to encourage citizens to prepare for emergencies. In New York City, with its more than 8.2 million diverse residents, the New York City Office of Emergency Management (OEM) and the American Red Cross in Greater New York (ARC/GNY), joined together to create a campaign targeted directly to New York City residents. The campaign is designed to encourage all New Yorkers to prepare for emergencies, anything from fires, floods and building collapses to hurricanes or terrorist attacks. By taking three simple steps (1) Get a Kit; (2) Make a Plan; (3) Be Informed New Yorkers can significantly reduce the impact of emergencies on themselves, their families and their businesses. The Ready New York City campaign directs both English and Spanish speaking audiences to a comprehensive Web site - www.readynyc.org and www.listonyc.org respectively - which provides tools and local information to help New Yorkers take the necessary steps to be prepared.
Video Length: 0
Date Found: August 18, 2010
Date Produced: August 18, 2010
View Count: 0