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Know your oats
Know your oats
Know your oats
Our eating habits have come a long way in recent years but with complicated labelling and so much information out there, knowing what’s good for you isn't always that easy. Recent findings show that in fact almost two thirds of us are confused by reading reports on what is and isn't healthy and even more recall conflicting stories about the same food or drink being both good and bad for our health. Well keeping it simple can often be best so what could be simpler than the great British staple, oats.Eating just one portion of oats per day [approximately three grams] is a highly effective way to prevent fatty build-ups in our arteries. A groundbreaking recent report published in the British Food Journal found that this can reduce cholesterol levels by as much as 20%. This adds to a growing body of evidence showing that porridge and similar foodstuffs can make a unique contribution to our general health.Heart disease is still the number one killer in the UK today but the humble oat holds the secret to a healthier heart, containing a compound of soluble fibre called beta-glucan that can be found in bread, cereals and oat-based bars. They're easy to prepare and won't break the bank.For all the information you need on keeping your heart healthy, watch this video with top dietician Dr Carrie Ruxton who has all the advice you need.For more information visit
Channel: iTunes
Category: Food
Video Length: 242
Date Found: September 26, 2010
Date Produced: April 29, 2009
View Count: 0 Special Offers
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