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혻 혻 혻 혻 혻 혻 혻 혻 혻 THIS IS A RUSH TRANSCRIPT. THIS COPY MAY NOT BE IN ITS FINAL FORM AND MAY BE UPDATED. 혻 혻 혻 CARL AZUZ, CNN STUDENT NEWS ANCHOR: If you haven’t eaten breakfast or lunch yet, today's Before We Go segment will make you want to skip straight to dessert. That's coming up in a little over nine minutes. I'm Carl Azuz. CNN Student News starts right now! First Up:혻U.S. Middle Class AZUZ: First up, the U.S. government has some suggestions to help out the country's middle class. Now, when we talk about classes — middle, lower, upper -- those categories are usually defined financially; how much money people make. The government doesn't have an official definition for the middle class. But in a recent survey, about half of Americans considered themselves to be part of the middle class. A year ago, President Obama created the Middle Class Task Force. The goal of it: to help people get through the recession. Yesterday, the group offered five recommendations to do that. First: give families with kids more money back on their taxes. Second: offer government support to families that take care of elderly relatives. Third, and this'll probably affect you most immediately: limit how much that college graduates pay on federal student loans. Fourth: create a system of retirement plans for workers. And fifth: find ways to protect people's retirement savings. All of these, of course, for the middle class. Now, none of these recommendations are a done deal. The task force's recommendations will be part of the government budget that President Obama will propose next week. Congress is the one who has to approve that budget, though, so it gets the final say on what is and isn't included. Stimulus Breakdown AZUZ:혻The economy: You know it's going to get a lot of attention during the president's State of the Union address tomorrow night. You can watch that at 9 p.m. ET on CNN. When he took office, one of President Obama's first big political moves was the...
Video Length: 600
Date Found: February 01, 2010
Date Produced: February 01, 2010
View Count: 0