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Darren White to step down
Darren White to step down
Darren White to step down
. albuquerque ue public saety director daren white has decided to retire ... in his n words .. "to end the distraction" white’s been the cente of fcontroversy since it was reported that he went to the scene of an accident ntinvolving his lv wife last wek.l here's news 13's alex tomlin. dick — jessica -ck- dick -- jessica -- the announcementan ewas made about half an hour ago. the mayor is holding a news conference right no w. .....continue to move forward here is part white's minute thumbnail 05:30 pm e'statement on his resignation. gn ohe says he wils still work to clear his name during the on going investigat ion the mayor has hordered into inthe incident. it was last week when white's wife wrecked her porsche -- and admitted to first restpon ders she de was ta king prescriptionpr medication. me that anti- anxiety medication can oncause dizziness and blurred vision -- and there are warnings about driving while taking it.. the officer at the scene did check a box on the incident report saying drugs were a factor in the crash -- but white's wife was never drug tested by police. white showed up to the scene and took hisan wife to urgent care the mayor's maoffice and a-p-d barss ha ve been adamant that white's wife did not tget special treatment. in white's resignation he minute thumbnail 05:31 pm maintain the crash was the result of a seizure. white's letere' goes on to say that he is proud of his lifetime of public pservice. whicite was an a-p-d officer.. c the secretary of the state's department of public safety .. bernalillo counoty sheriff...and hei was a one-time congressional candidate. white also just resigned from th fe state's judicial standards commision -- he was appointed by governor martinez. bac.k to you.. ok alex. today a city council committee decided to go ahead and look for posible independent investigators to look into the daren white scandal.
Channel: ClipSyndicate
Category: News
Video Length: 0
Date Found: July 15, 2011
Date Produced: July 15, 2011
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