263 Reset to defalt Part 1
Mat 7:12 "Always treat others as you would like them to treat you; that sums up the teaching of the Torah and the Prophets.  Mat 7:13 "Go in through the narrow gate; for the gate that leads to destruction is wide and the road broad, and many travel it; Mat 7:14 but it is a narrow gate and a hard road that leads to life, and only a few find it. These are the words of Messiah Yeshua. He asks us to go in through the narrow gate. He implores us and tells us that only a few are going to find it. Some might say that “this is kind of pompous of Yeshua to say, that He is the only way. I know many nice people”. Others might say “Oh that person is so nice”, “There such a Godly person.” However, what does Messiah mean when he says “Go in through the narrow gate”? When we come to the knowledge that we need a Messiah for forgiveness of our sin, we need to understand that: first we can’t make it to heaven on our own, second who He is and what He stands for, and third why He came. Once we realize that just as kids don’t tell the parents what to do, we don’t tell God how to serve Him. Then we are on the road to allowing our button to be reset. However, many times there are safety things around that button so it does not get pushed inadvertently. Hence we need to allow God to reset us, according to His will, and His format. So why did Yeshua say what He said and why. In order to understand what Rav Sha’ul says to his Talmid (disciple) Timothy, the one he circumcised. We need to understand something else first about Yeshua. We need to understand sin and the only way it could be reset. How is it that by the death of the King of the Jews, my sins are forgiven? Learn why Yeshua came to pay our price, and how to follow in His footsteps to know him more, to receive His Shalom (peace). Will you be one of the few to find it? To allow your button to be reset?
Video Length: 1732
Date Found: July 16, 2011
Date Produced: February 03, 2010
View Count: 0