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4 Investigates: White’s wife's prior run-ins with police
4 Investigates: White’s wife's prior run-ins with police
4 Investigates: White’s wife's prior run-ins with police
before this announcement.... we wanted to know if there had been any past police incidents involving darren white’s wife. we found a case from this past fall where she was listed as a suspect in an altercation ...but was never charged. investigative reporter jeremy jojola continues our live team coverage from the newsroom with what else he found, including a prior warrant. jeremy. today, i found this police report, saying kathleen white — whose maiden name is mcconnel, hit another woman at a bar, and appeared quote "intoxicated" a couple of weeks before that incident, court documents i found reveal she was issued a warrant for skipping out on a court date. after spending several hours this morning going through public records.... we found an incident at the hotel albuquerque documented by a police officer last october. it involved the wife of darren white, and several other women at the hotel's night- club who apparently may have gotten in an argument with others over a space to sit, according to paperwork. according to the incident report, the police officer was flagged down by a security guard..... and when he entered the night club he saw darren white's wife being restrained by a man. at the time her name was kathleen mcconnell. the officer wrote he saw a woman come towards mcconnel, and that she "freed one arm, swinging and struck the female across the face with an open hand. the female fell to the ground." the officer escorted mcconnel to a hallway, the officer wrote, she "displayed signs of intoxication and swayed while standing." the report says the victim took off before the officer could find her, and she never came forward to give a statement. because of that, apd says no charges were filed. we also found mcconnell had an active warrant for nearly two weeks because she didn't appear in court for several traffic violations, including speeding and not having registration and insurance. mcconnell took care of the warrant shortly before she and darre...
Channel: ClipSyndicate
Category: News
Video Length: 0
Date Found: July 15, 2011
Date Produced: July 15, 2011
View Count: 0 Special Offers
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