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Meeting Dolphin 56
Meeting Dolphin 56
Meeting Dolphin 56
iReport — Hi Robin- We just thought with all the grim news these days- that you may welcome the opportunity to report about a chance encounter with an apparent STAR! This past Wednesday, my husband and I along with two of our children decided to play hookie for a day and go to the beach to enjoy the day! A well deserved mental health day as we call them... While fishing in the Great Bay - near the Ritgers research center and out from the "Old Fish Factory" we spotted a Dolphin which began to swim by us, and show off.  We took pictures and video to the extent possible on our phones and saw that he was previously branded with the # 56. When we returnmed home and hit the internet for info we found that "Dolphin 56" has has a long and interesting history, dating back to 1979 when researchers caught, weighed, measured, and freeze branded him in Florida. Attached is a video, where he swam us, and we have several more if you are interested. Wish we had known he was deliberately interacting us, and that he may even be looking for a free meal, we gladly would have shared our catch of the day!
Channel: iReport
Category: News
Video Length: 0
Date Found: May 26, 2011
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View Count: 1 Special Offers
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