Slap in the face!
Tweet This short video was made by a new Facebook group called 'Free Israel', which defines itself as a civil movement which acts for democracy,equality and freedom. Its agenda is mainly to confront the relligious enforcment (religious coercion) and to minimize the damage it cause to the public in israel, to act against the relligious radicalism and to keep the freedom of regular israelis, to achive eq More..uality between the ultra-ortodox and the rest of israelis and to keep israel as a democratic state.  The group is going against the Ultra-ortodox way of judaism and in favour of floralistic jewish culture, and is some sort of continuation of political left parties as Meretz and former party Shinuy. The video shows defferent israelis,some of them are israeli celebs, which get slapped in the face, one after the other. the last image has the Subtitle- Dont you get sick of being slapped? and then the text says: religious coercion,burden inequality,damage to the education,damage to the academic education,discrimination of renting and mortgages,rights inequality the last title says: 'Free Israel' - the silent majority is waking up.
Video Length: 0
Date Found: February 08, 2011
Date Produced: February 08, 2011
View Count: 2