Kamikaze Sailor Jeanne Fan Made Crossover Opening and New Theme
This is an opening to a show that doesn’t exist, and probably won't. It uses scenes from the anime Kamikaze Kaito Jeanne along with the Sailor Moon theme song to make an opening for this fake show. However, instead of it being the full song, I've replaced the lyrics (which are inaccurate in this context, because they refer to chracters in the show Sailor Moon) with my lyrics I made up and sung on my own, so they accurately describe Kamikaze Kaito Jeanne. And they even match the some cadence of the original song, and some even match identically (such as "fighting evil by the moonlight"). These new lyrics are what is meant by "new theme" in this video's title. In a way, this video is sort of like an AMV (anime music video), except it is designed with the concept of a TV show opening/intro in mind, rather than just a bunch of scenes put to some music.
Video Length: 90
Date Found: March 13, 2011
Date Produced: July 01, 2009
View Count: 0