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N.J. Gov. Christie Says What He Does, Is None of Our Business.
N.J. Gov. Christie Says What He Does,  Is None of Our Business.
N.J. Gov. Christie Says What He Does, Is None of Our Business.
iReport — Was what Anthony Weiner did, "our business?" When you take public office, you give up your private life and become a public servant. At least, that’s the way it's supposed to work. Apparently not if you're Republican. In fact, as Rachael Maddow says, "IOKIYR, or it's OK if you're Republican." Obviously, taking the company helicopter to his son's ball game wasn't enough to show his disregard for what taxpayers are paying for in NJ. The Republicans are worried about the debt and deficit? Don't make me laugh. Now, New Jersey Governor, Christie, cuts funding to public schools and public transportation like the tunnel system around NYC, while sending his children to private school. Maybe the highways were too congested to drive to his son's ball game. Well, Christie should fund the projects that would ease that congestion. The icing on Christie's hypocritical cake? He had a state car waiting to drive him 100 yards to the bleachers so he didn't (couldn't) have to walk and then back to the helicopter after the ball game. Outrageous? Yes. Typical for Republicans? Yes. Hypocritical? Yes. But what's new from this party? But as I said before, IOKIYR. "In an exclusive interview with New Jersey Governor Chris Christie on Friday's NBC Today, co-host Matt Lauer played a clip of a woman attacking the Republican as hypocritical for sending his children to private school while cutting funding for public schools. Lauer agreed with her premise: "I thought it was a fair question." Lauer sympathized with the woman and argued: "...what she was asking you was – she clearly sends her kids to public schools and she's saying, 'Governor, I understand you send your kids to private schools, but is it possible, though, then you don't understand how these cuts are going to affect families,' like her's on a daily basis. Why isn't it a fair question?"Read more:
Channel: iReport
Category: News
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Date Found: June 27, 2011
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