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14 Year old beaten violently at a school in Lisbon, Portugal
14 Year old beaten violently at a school in Lisbon,  Portugal
14 Year old beaten violently at a school in Lisbon, Portugal
iReport — Sincerely, such acts have no possible forgiveness but the law actually protects the offenders because they aren’t old enough to be trialed as adults. How's fault is this? In my opinion, the parents.Acts of violence at school have been on the news since my memory can recall. Usually because a teacher slapped a student who was misbehaving and that ends up origin a ruined career and sometimes even criminal prosecution but by analyzing this pictures, if the teachers have no authority over the students behavior, shouldn't the parents be aware of their kids attitude towards others?The discussion between the youth quickly scale to the physical confrontation, with one of the girls to grab the girl by the hair and throw it to ground, then being the object of many kicks by the two aggressors. The scene was witnessed by several boys, who did nothing to help girl, and indeed, some of them encouraged the attacks. According to CIS, the PSP already noted the incident and is seeking to identify those involved in the situation for assessing responsibilities. VIDEO "Digital Diary"
Channel: iReport
Category: News
Video Length: 0
Date Found: May 24, 2011
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View Count: 1 Special Offers
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