Master Powerpoint Basics
You can see from the introduction that we really start from ground zero - we quickly review the fundamentals and only then do we put our foot on the gas to get you to understanding making sure you are keeping up every step of the way. So if you can follow the one minute introduction you can be sure you can follow the more advanced material and by the way, learning where to find the icon to start a program is simple but fundamental. You can create and deliver a first class presentation using Microsoft Powerpoint. In this informative video, we create a real-life business presentation using Microsoft Powerpoint for a fictional company. You may be wondering - can you really learn Powerpoint from a video that lasts about an hour? The answer is absolutely yes - here’s why - our videos use real life scenarios so you learn more in less time and we don't waste precious minutes teachning you how to use a mouse or telling you a long list of what you will learn. We jump right in building on what you have learned so that more advanced topics are easier to learn. It's effective because it's more like looking over the shoulder of an skilled person in your office showing you step-by-step. We cover transitions, backgrounds, text formatting, bullets, timing, diagrams, tables, pictures, presentation sharing, and web deployment and much more. ZeroToU.com(tm) is confident you can be on the road to becoming a competent and confident Powerpoint user in about an hour. That's why we created ZeroToU.com (tm) - so you can go from knowing little or nothing ("zero) to understanding ("U").
Video Length: 0
Date Found: March 13, 2011
Date Produced: March 09, 2011
View Count: 0