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Nespresso - "Pixie" Launch Event
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Nespresso - "Pixie" Launch Event
Nespresso presented their newest, eco-friendliest and most attractive coffee maker machine, the "Pixie", in Vienna. Strukt was asked by event agency Ideal to develop a stage show together wit the Phoenix Fire Dancers. During the performances projections on artists and six massive pillars created a magical stage experience. The show was about 15 minutes long and presented the Pixie’s design and technical innovations as well as the story of a coffee bean growing and ending up in your cup.   For this event Strukt applied three different techniques for projecting onto and interacting with the artists on stage. "Projection Mapping" - for the geometric forms (pillars and cubes) on stage, "Projection Masking" to project soley onto the performing artists with no spill onto the stage and "Object Tracking" to follow the moving artists and keep projection content sticking to their bodies. This was realized using 4 projectors, 8 high-performance infrared spots and 1 infrared camera. Make sure to watch the "Behind the Scenes" Video: For more information and pictures visit: Credits: Client: Nespresso Agency: Ideal VeranstaltungsservicegmbH Event: "Pixie" Launch Project Manager: Tanja Tomic Creative Director: Michael Seiser Designers and Animators: Michael Seiser, Fabian Gampp Rotoscoping and Assistance: Mona Schwaiger Programmer: Chris Plant Tracking: Thomas Pintaric AV Partner: Concept Solutions Dance Performance: Phoenix Fire Dancers
Channel: Vimeo
Category: Animation
Video Length: 125
Date Found: April 05, 2011
Date Produced: March 31, 2011
View Count: 0 Special Offers
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