Wildflower Trip Western Australia September 2009
In September 2009, we were in Western Australia for the wildflowers season. Our 2,000 km road trip took us to Cervantes to see The Pinnacles, Jurien Bay, Port Denison-Dongara, Geraldton, Mullewa for the Wild Flower Walk, Morawa, Perenjori, the monastic town of New Norcia, Mandurah, Margaret River, Busselton, Augusta, Cape Leeuwin, Pemberton, Walpole and the Valley of the Giants TreeTop Walk, Albany and its Wind Farm and neighbouring Torndirrup National Park for The Natural Bridge and The Gap, the Porongurups, and back to Perth in time to see The Wildflowers Festival at Kings Park and Botanic Garden. Music tracks created using Apple’s 'Soundtrack' software.
Video Length: 0
Date Found: April 23, 2010
Date Produced: April 23, 2010
View Count: 1