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AMEGA GLOBAL Network Marketing
AMEGA GLOBAL Network Marketing
AMEGA GLOBAL Network Marketing
{AMEGA GLOBAL} Global Opportunity for all visit;www.eamega.comSee how the amazing Amega bracelets immediately gives you more vitality, more flexibility, increased strength and balance. Amega Global Bio Energy Bracelets has two technologies combining the natural neodymium rare earth magents and Far Infra Red germanium to shield your cells from harmful positive ions generated by modern gadgets, electrical equptments, handphones, wireless technolgy, radiation, etc giving your cells the protection it requires to operate at an optimal level since they are not stressed by the positive ions as the bracelet has a positive pole on the top side and a negative pole on the side resting on your skin. The positive pole repel the positive ions in the atmosphere and attract the neagtive ions from the atmosphere. Negative ions are abundantly found near waterfalls and rainforest, places of nature. The Amega Bio Energy Bracelets stimulates the more releases of the joyful hormones called endorphins which helps you to have nautral pain relief without the undesirable side effects that painkillers give you. Summary of Benefits: Sleep better Minimise Jetlag Protect your body from harmful radiation Inmproved Blood circulation Balance body metabolism Relief pain naturally without side effects Help the cells to heal themselves Increased Energy Improved Vitality Improve Athletic Performance Relaxes windpipe during asthma attacks Relaxes tight muscles such as arthritis Reduces swelling and ...
Channel: YouTube
Category: Science
Video Length: 367
Date Found: January 26, 2008
Date Produced:
View Count: 3 Special Offers
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